


1.      學部:政治經濟學部

2.      入學時間:2013/9/21

3.      入學管道:學校推薦


B 面試

1.      你覺得面試的問題主要針對哪方面?






   ___其他(                          )


2.      請盡量寫出能記得的面試問題

Q : Why do you apply for our department

   A:  I choose Japan because I always find Japanese culture intriguing, including novels, animation,    comics and the personality of Japanese, the attitude that always goes after perfection and insists to do everything to the best.I chose to study in the category of Science and Mathematics when I was in the 11th grade, but after taking the course Middle East politics at National chengchi university, I discovered my interest in international relations, so I decided to switch to the category of Social sciences and humanities. Being interested to specialize in this field, I chose the school of political science and economics.    

b.Q: There are also department of economics and political science, but why do you choose the department of global political economy?

A: I choose the department of global political economy because I think that behind every event, no matter history events or international news, it must be a combination of politics and economics. To analyze these events, you cant merely see the aspect of economics or politics, you have to see both.


  Q: You mentioned that you switch from the field of science to the field of social science and humanities. You know that in the field of science, accuracy is usually strictly required, but in the field of social science, there
s usually no final answer. How do you balance between these two fields? 


  A: I learnt to be accurate on the field of science. This attitude allows me collect as much as information and perspectives I could before I make any comments. For example, for the same news, I will read newspaper from three different news agencies, BBC, CNN, and Aljazeera before I make any judgement. Although I know theres no final answer, I have the attitude to be accurate enough and look things in different aspects.

我認為在科學的領域中我學到事求精確的精神,這樣的態度使我在人文社會領域中面對像是國際時事或歷史事件時, 我會先把這件事的所有面向跟觀點都儘我所能的看過之後再做分析。比如說同一件時事我會看過bbc,cnn,al Jazeera種報紙,看過不同觀點之後再下評論。我雖然無法找出最終答案,但我在人文社會的領域中會用一樣精確的態度去事先搜集不同面向的資料。

Q: You mentioned that you want to be a journalist in the future, how do you think Waseda can prepare you to be a journalist.


A: Waseda is a international school of diversity, so I expect entering this school can broaden my horizons and make me more familiar with international relations. I also expect myself to be objective while writing a report. I wish to include every aspect of an event instead of just writing the aspect that satisfies the readers. Thus, I consider understanding international relations in Waseda will do a lot of help to make my  perspective and analysis more accurate.    


Q: This department is an international department full of students all over the world. Different students form different country and culture have different features, and they always learn things from the others. So what do you think is the characteristic of Taiwanese students, and what do you think students from other countries can benefit from Taiwanese students?  


A: I believe the characteristic of Taiwanese is perseverance. Taiwan is a society of immigration, and that cultivates the personality of Taiwanese of always able to make out a way in any disadvantaged situation. I believe that of this feature, Taiwanese are able to endure and overcome whatever difficulties that come across. Also, Taiwanese students are able to make friends with everyone. I believe that Taiwanese students have outstanding social skills and can remain good relationship with other students.

3.      請簡單描述一下面試著裝(可附照片)



4.      面試心得

a.      面試前


   準備面試問題的部分,我找了十個比較常問的面試問題(附二),先寫出答案然後請同學幫我模擬面試。(也有麻煩學姊) 問題中比較需要注意的像是自我介紹,which教授完全沒有問我害我準備這麼久。不過就是因為有自傳(事後證明就受們真的會看喔),所以我準備自我介紹的原則就是抓出我認為教授最想知道的事情。




我在寫自傳的時候也有上官方網站去找,通常會有一些很八股的東西說我們希望尋找的學生requires leadership ,cooperation,..所以自我介紹中我要講的重點就是,我如何培養領導能力同時兼具合作精神。因此我覺得講自我介紹的重點是你講完每一個事件之後你要讓教授知道“你從中學到什麼”,通常我都會下一個結論。




自我介紹真是一門取捨的藝術啊因為一不小心就會講太多教授根本不想聽的東西,講太多就會必成流水賬 。(in my first year of high school.when I was in 11th gradewhen I was 12th grade…也頗像流水賬)基本上抓住你想要讓教授知道你俱備的能力(領導,合作)然後用大事件去串聯就好了,細節就免了。

我面試的時候螢幕式切成兩邊的,左邊是聖誕老公公教授跟日本教授,右邊是我自己的臉。我回答問題的時候其實還蠻想要看教授的臉部表現的,而且螢幕這麼多彩實在很吸引人要小心。如果聽不清楚教授說什麼不要說“蛤”,可以說對不起有點lag可以再講一次嗎?還有就是自傳跟你事先準備好的面試回答要小心,因為教授很可能會沿著你的回答繼續問下去。E.g.我前面有準備我喜歡的小說類型是因為我的面試回答中有一句是I always find Japanese culture intriguing, including novels, animation and comics. 所以我還背了一些動漫的日文…

b.      面試後


5.      補充

